The Importance Of Public Rights Of Way Map In 2023

The Importance Of Public Rights Of Way Map In 2023


As an avid hiker, I have always been fascinated by the vast network of trails and paths that allow us to explore the great outdoors. However, it wasn’t until I stumbled upon the Public Rights of Way Map that I truly understood the importance of these paths. In this article, I will share my personal experience with the map and delve deeper into its significance in 2023.

What is Public Rights of Way Map?

Public Rights of Way Map is a map that displays all the public paths, trails, and roads that the public has the right to access and use. These paths are usually marked with signposts or waymarks and are legally protected from obstruction or closure by landowners.

Why is it Important?

The Public Rights of Way Map plays a crucial role in ensuring that the public has access to the countryside and other natural areas. It allows hikers, cyclists, and other outdoor enthusiasts to plan their routes and explore without the fear of being turned away by landowners. Furthermore, it helps to preserve these paths for future generations.

Types of Public Rights of Way

There are three main types of public rights of way – footpaths, bridleways, and byways. Footpaths are paths that are only accessible by pedestrians. Bridleways are paths that can be used by pedestrians, cyclists, and horse riders. Byways are open to all traffic, including motorized vehicles.

How to Use Public Rights of Way Map?

Using the Public Rights of Way Map is relatively straightforward. You can access the map online, or you can purchase a printed version from your local council. Once you have the map, you can locate the paths and trails in your area and plan your route accordingly. It is essential to follow the signposts and waymarks to ensure that you stay on the correct path.

Challenges Facing Public Rights of Way Map

Despite its importance, the Public Rights of Way Map faces several challenges. One of the main challenges is the lack of funding and resources to maintain and update the map regularly. Additionally, there is a growing concern about the encroachment of private landowners onto public paths.

What Can We Do?

As individuals, we can do our part by reporting any obstructions or closures of public paths to the local council. We can also support organizations that advocate for the preservation of public rights of way. Additionally, we can educate ourselves and others about the importance of these paths and the need to protect them.


In conclusion, the Public Rights of Way Map is a valuable tool that ensures the public’s access to the countryside and other natural areas. As we move forward into 2023, it is essential to recognize the challenges facing this map and take action to preserve these paths for future generations. Let us continue to explore and enjoy the great outdoors while also protecting it.

Question & Answer:

Q: What is Public Rights of Way Map?
A: Public Rights of Way Map is a map that displays all the public paths, trails, and roads that the public has the right to access and use. Q: How to use Public Rights of Way Map?
A: Using the Public Rights of Way Map is relatively straightforward. You can access the map online, or you can purchase a printed version from your local council. Once you have the map, you can locate the paths and trails in your area and plan your route accordingly.

Public Rights of Way Consultation Great Edstone
Public Rights of Way Consultation Great Edstone from