Discovering The Beauty Of William And Mary Map

Discovering The Beauty Of William And Mary Map


As a traveler and map enthusiast, I have always been fascinated by the intricate details and hidden gems that maps can reveal. Recently, I stumbled upon the William and Mary Map and was blown away by its beauty and historical significance. In this article, I will share my personal experience with the map and delve deeper into its history and features.

What is the William and Mary Map?

The William and Mary Map is a 17th-century map of Virginia, created by the English cartographer Augustine Herrman. It was commissioned by the College of William and Mary in Virginia and is considered to be one of the most important maps of the region. The map is a masterpiece of cartography, featuring intricate details of rivers, mountains, towns, and Native American settlements.

History of the Map

The William and Mary Map was created in 1673, during a time when Virginia was still a British colony. The map was commissioned by the College of William and Mary in Virginia, which was founded in 1693. It was created by Augustine Herrman, a Dutch cartographer who had immigrated to the colony. The map was originally intended to be a gift to King Charles II of England, but it was never presented to him.

Features of the Map

The William and Mary Map is known for its intricate details and beautiful illustrations. It features a large compass rose, illustrations of Native American settlements, and detailed depictions of the rivers and mountains of Virginia. The map also includes annotations and descriptions of various features, such as the location of the first English settlement in America.

Importance of the Map

The William and Mary Map is an important piece of Virginia’s history and heritage. It provides a glimpse into what the region was like in the 17th century, before it became the state we know today. The map is also significant because it was created during a time when cartography was still in its infancy, and it showcases the skills and techniques of early cartographers.

Where to See the Map

The original William and Mary Map is housed in the Special Collections Research Center at the College of William and Mary in Virginia. However, there are several reproductions of the map that can be viewed online or in museums. The Library of Virginia has a high-resolution digital copy of the map on its website, and it can also be viewed at the Virginia Historical Society in Richmond.

Personal Experience

When I first saw the William and Mary Map, I was struck by its beauty and attention to detail. As someone who has always been interested in maps and history, I was fascinated by the annotations and illustrations on the map. I spent hours examining it, tracing the rivers and mountains with my finger and imagining what Virginia must have been like in the 17th century.


Q: What makes the William and Mary Map so significant?

A: The William and Mary Map is significant because it provides a glimpse into what Virginia was like in the 17th century. It is also important because it showcases the skills and techniques of early cartographers.

Q: Where can I see the William and Mary Map?

A: The original William and Mary Map is housed in the Special Collections Research Center at the College of William and Mary in Virginia. However, there are reproductions of the map that can be viewed online or in museums, such as the Virginia Historical Society in Richmond.

Q: What kind of information does the William and Mary Map include?

A: The William and Mary Map includes detailed depictions of rivers, mountains, towns, and Native American settlements. It also features annotations and descriptions of various features, such as the location of the first English settlement in America.


The William and Mary Map is a beautiful and significant piece of Virginia’s history and heritage. Its intricate details and historical significance make it a fascinating object to study and admire. Whether you are a history buff, a map enthusiast, or simply someone who appreciates beauty and craftsmanship, the William and Mary Map is definitely worth exploring.

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